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The Start of the Journey!!!

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

CommonWealth Data Solutions is a data company. We have expertise in all sorts of data projects, from research to machine learning to simulation building, and we lean on this expertise to help our clients maximize the success of their work. The name CommonWealth Data Solutions comes from the fact that 1) we are located in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and 2) we seek to take on projects that make wealth more common; for businesses...for communities...for everyday people. We want our projects to foster innovation, promote efficiency, and allow our clients to become more agile and competitive. If we put our energy into solving the right problems, our work can also build equity, foster inclusion, and increase sustainability. That is our mission at CommonWealth Data Solutions: to take on projects that help our clients grow, that strengthen our communities, and that elevate our institutions. And this is the start of our journey.

We have over 20 years of experience with private sector data projects, academic research, and public service data science. During this time, data has become more and more intertwined in most aspects of our daily life. Although data is more present today than it was a few decades ago, businesses and analysts often struggle to make effective use of the data that they have. Our data literacy needs to catch up to our data environment, and there can be a steep cost of not doing so. Plenty of companies purchase data tools based on lofty promises from a vendor, only to find after implementation that the tool doesn't live up to the hype. Improper data analysis can lead to poor decision making, and improperly built data models can lead to bias and misinformation. These are serious problems with consequences that can persist for quite some time. Our goal is to use our expertise to help our clients avoid these pitfalls and use data to their advantage to make the best decisions and to maximize the benefit to their organizations, customers, and communities.

Additionally, we are committed to transparency. Although black-box data solutions are becoming more and more common, they are a risky bet and can often be avoided. Should we really trust the recommendations of an algorithm if we can't also explain how that recommendation was produced? We firmly believe that data solutions (analysis, predictive models, simulations of complex systems) should be interpretable. Not only do we solve data problems, we open up the box and make sure that our clients have full faith and comfort with what they find inside. We can only achieve maximum value in a data-driven world if we raise the level of data literacy, and we strive to do our part to make this happen.

Finally, and most importantly, we are committed to ethical data practices. We recognize that our work has the potential to shape decision-making and impact lives long after our projects have been completed. We don't take this responsibility lightly. With every project engagement, we anticipate the consequences of our work on the customers and communities that we serve and we won't move forward with a project that doesn't meet a high ethical bar (more on this in a future post). Although this might not always be the best decision for our bottom line, it is what will allow us to hold our heads high and be viewed as leaders in the data consulting profession.

This is the start of our journey at CommonWealth Data Solutions, and we are so excited to begin! We would love to help with your data project, so please contact us (email:, phone: US +1 434-981-9524) and lets take on your data challenge together!


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